: ローハンプトン (Roehampton) における ITF 主催の「テニスの科学技術に関する国際会議」

 国際テニス連盟 (ITF、 International Tennis Federation) 主催のテニスの科学技術に関する第1回国際会議 (TST、 Tennis Science & Technology) が2000年8月にロンドン郊外のローハンプトン (Roehampton) で開催されました。
 会議では、私も、“ラケットのSweet area ”に関する研究と “Impact におけるプレーヤーのwrist joint におよぼすShock vibrations ”に関する研究を発表しました。

 第2回国際会議は2003年に開催され、“string tensionは tennis elbow ”に関係するかという研究と “Large ball のwrist joint に与える衝撃振動 ”に関する研究を講演発表させていただきましたが、自分の発表が済んだ翌日、会議前の早朝にテニスコートで service の練習をしていたら、突然、背中に激しい痛みが発生し、左腕が上がらなくなりました。
 ローハンプトン (Roehampton) はなつかしい思い出です。

ITF-hosted “International Conference on the Science and Technology of Tennis” in Roehampton

 The International Conference on Tennis Science and Technology (TST), organized by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), took place in August 2000 in Roehampton, a suburb of London. The event attracted around 250 researchers and tennis association professionals, with over 70 speakers representing more than 15 countries.
 The conference venue was situated next to a tennis court, providing participants with the opportunity to play tennis at any time.
 Additionally, various activities were planned, including a Davis Cup (national team competition) tennis tournament organized by conference attendees at a tennis club and a dinner overlooking Wimbledon’s No.1 Court, where a prelude to the Wimbledon tournament was held.
 These activities contributed to the overall enjoyment of the conference.
 During the conference, I presented research on “The Sweet Area of the Racket” and “Shock Vibrations on the Wrist Joint of Players during Impact.”

 The second International Conference was held in 2003, during which I presented studies on the “relationship between string tension and tennis elbow” and “Shock vibrations at the wrist joint of the player with a large ball.”
 However, the day after my presentation, while practicing serves on the tennis court early in the morning before the conference, I suddenly experienced intense back pain, and my left arm became immobile.
  I was diagnosed with a severe herniated disc in the neck, and as a result, I couldn’t play tennis for about 15 years.
 Roehampton holds nostalgic memories for me.
